One of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to attract wildlife into the garden is to feed the birds. Really good way to have fun with the kids and get them to engage with nature and understand the trials our feathered friends experience during the harsh frosts. Apart from that there is nothing nicer than looking out on a winter garden to see birds fluttering around the feeder, really raises the garden spirits across the winter months.
Here are our top tips to help you when you welcome the birds into your garden this winter.
It takes time for birds to search and find a new food source. Once found they develop a reliance on it following regular visits. So if you make a decision to feed the birds – don’t stop. If you wish to stop wait until alternative food is available in spring but of course you don’t have to stop. The joy can continue year round. The birds will get used to you and will quite happily eat away while you potter around the garden.
My in-laws have a great window looking out over their garden from the kitchen. Its fantastic to wash up or have the cup of tea and chats while a bevvy of birds flutter around the feeder.
It also means you and your kids can identify each new bird family and keep a log across the year.
To attract different bird types make sure you give them different food from seed mix or peanuts to meal worms, fat balls, even kitchen scraps – its not just the four legged friends who devour the left overs! NOTE avoid high salt content food.
Water can be difficult to find in the winter. Ensuring your garden has fresh water will mean they don’t have to try and find it elsewhere which also means they save energy.
The birds tend not to clean up after themselves! Its therefore best to avoid leaving to much food so they don’t drop the residual waste which might attract rats and other unwanted guests.and online shop.
Most of all enjoy the feathered visitors, chart their visits, photograph their stay, identify the types and open your garden to the delights of winter wildlife!